Monday, July 11, 2011

Eat Stop Eat - Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

Eat Stop Eat is the term coined by Brad Pilon to describe intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is fasting for short periods of time, usually for 24 hours.

The theory behind intermittent fasting is that while fasting, fat burning enzymes are heightened, and, on a short fast your metabolism can actually be INCREASED, rather than decreased.

What I really liked about this book is that Brad clearly shows through several studies that most of the weight loss information we are fed by the dieting industry is actually intended to keep us fat, and keep us buying more products.

The notion of 'needing' to eat six times a day in order to increase our metabolic burn rate is actually total rot and serves the food companies well and us not at all.

Eat Stop Eat: Different Diets Can Achieve The Same Result

It is possible to get a great looking body on any kind of diet, and you will always see the proof of this with many a junk food addict with a body like Adonis (sure it might not be a healthy body internally but it can still look mighty good for a few years).

Back in the sixties body builders consumed high carb diets and still achieved the fabulous muscles and ripped competition bodies without the need of the high protein diets of today.

Today's body builders are obsessed with the idea that they need high protein diets and multiple meals per day in order to build their muscles.

This is all a fallacy and designed for nothing else but to sell lots of protein powder and keep folks guzzling it down.

Eat Stop Eat: Exercise is what builds muscle, not high protein diets

Provided you are consuming enough food (period!) and doing the TRAINING required to build your body, you can do so on ANY kind of diet.

You do not need to eat according to a schedule and you do not need to use calculus to work out the exact macronutrient ratios of your food.

Eat Stop Eat For Weight Loss

Eat Stop Eat through common sense and solid science shows how short term fasting works well as a weight loss method.

A 24 hour fast is super easy to accomplish as you can simply eat breakfast and lunch one day, (finishing at 2pm on that day) and then go without food until 2pm the next day where you pick up again with some lunch and dinner.

Or you can fast from 6pm one day until 6pm the next day, breaking your fast with dinner. Or from breakfast today until breakfast tomorrow, whatever suits your schedule. So you see you still eat EVERY day, there are just breaks between eating.

It could not be easier to accomplish and your metabolism stays just as fast as ever, or, if anything improves!

Eat Stop Eat: Muscle Mass Easily Maintained With Strength Training

Brad clearly shows how the only requirement to maintaining your muscle mass and ensuring that all the weight you lose is FAT and not muscle, is to continue to strength train.

He points to a study where people followed a low calorie (800 calories per day) diet over a period of 16 weeks and lost NONE of their muscle mass and an average of 25 pounds of fat simply by doing strength training three times per week. (I am definitely NOT recommending a low calorie diet though!, but this just goes to show that muscle mass does not start disappearing the moment we miss a meal)

Our bodies are infinitely intelligent. If we are strength training our bodies realize that muscle mass is required and highly necessary. It is only when we are sedentary that our muscle mass begins to diminish (and by the way this will happen anytime you are sedentary for a long period of time, whether or not you are fasting!).

Eat Stop Eat: The Science of Weight Loss

Eat Stop Eat is not a book about learning how to eat properly and become super healthy, it is a book ENTIRELY about the science of weight loss and fasting and how intermittent fasting shapes up as a weight loss method.

Eat Stop Eat: See through the misinformation surrounding weight loss!

This is why I recommend Eat Stop Eat for people who are interested in broadening their knowledge base in terms of weight loss and fasting. There is so much misinformation around weight loss and metabolism, with so many people scared to skip a meal because of the fear of the wholly fictional 'starvation mode'.

Eat Stop Eat cuts through all the nonsense designed to keep you desperate and shows you a way to empower yourself and reach your ideal weight effortlessly.

Following a high carb, low fat raw vegan diet removes the need for intermittent fasting for weight loss.

Weight Loss will happen on its own if you follow a high carb, low fat raw vegan diet. However, fasting for 24 hours now and again can still be easily done and is often a beneficial thing to do.

Even Dr Douglas Graham only eats two meals a day.

Eating less meals is a great way to rest your digestive system, and as this book shows, you will NOT lose any muscle mass, nor compromise your muscle growth by doing so.

Eat Stop Eat: Water Only Please!

I definitely do not agree with nor recommend Brad's endorsement of caffeine and aspartame via diet sodas while fasting.

Adding in caffeinated drinks just makes you cranky, gives you digestive discomfort and also leads you to feel as if you are 'substituting', which also adds to the notion of deprivation. There is no need to substitute if there is no deprivation, and on such a short fast there really is NO deprivation.

Just drink water! Pure fresh water! 24 hours is nothing, it is so easy, you'll only notice a bit of hunger for a couple of hours at the most. Lemon slices in your water is absolutely fine, as is some herbal tea if you really need to.

I also do not even vaguely agree with Brad's recommendations about what foods are acceptable while eating.

In fact I would pretty much ignore what he says about allowable foods full stop. I understand his point well, being that it doesn't matter what you eat, it can be pizza and doughnuts, provided you are taking in less overall calories than you burn you will lose weight - however, there is a MUCH better way.

A low fat raw food diet with a focus on lots of fresh fruit is so joyfully delicious and so satiating and refreshing that it does more than just satisfy your hunger, it feeds your cells on a deep level and makes you feel more alive than ever before.

You are also able to eat many more calories this way while still achieving your ideal body weight. Sure, if you follow any version of a standard diet, then you are likely consuming upwards of 30% fat, so no wonder you need to cut down. However, it's a pity that the vast majority don't realize that all you need to do is cut down the fat, while INCREASING the carbs and you've got a win win situation on your hands.

Read this book for some honest information about the weight loss industry and for some astonishing information that you don't tend to hear very often (if at all).

And then, if you have some weight to lose or are just tired of eating six times a day, give intermittent fasting a try with the Eat Stop Eat program.

All the best!

Alison Andrews is a raw food writer and coach. She is also a singer/songwriter, actress and author. To find out more about Eat Stop Eat or the raw food diet, see Alison's website:

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